Monday, November 2, 2009

Field trip: Dinosaur exhibit at SC State Museum

While we were in SC, we had a couple of rainy days and one was suitable for going to the South Carolina State Museum for its dinosaur exhibit. We've been to lots of animatronic dinosaur exhibits and been disappointed. This museum's was the best, although a bit scary for Chooj and I had to carry him through most of it. Hayes has a great sense of humor, as you can tell. This dino Hayes deemed a "huffer and puffer" when she was little. I've always liked it better than "hadrosaur." She also termed an anklyosaurus a "whap-tail." Again, much more descriptive. Measuring up against a T-rex footprint: Ok, ok, we won't, unless the children are bad:
We went through the rest of the museum. Here is the obligatory homeschooling snapshot, like we're really on top of Hayes' education:
If we had a tractor with tires this big, I wouldn't worry about anything.

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