I didn't take my full regalia to dance. For one, it's a Lakota pow wow. But I did take cousin Arissa in to practice dancing. Her sisters dance but she doesn't.
The family had an early celebration for Alex's parents, Chuck and Marty, in honor of their upcoming 40th wedding anniversary.
Look at Chooj trying to run off from me! He said he felt like a "pie rat" (pirate) with the hankerchief on his head.
This fancy dancer's regalia was outstanding! Alex commented that the fancy dancers try to make their regalias stand out by adding so much color but this guy stood out by virtue of the solid white. Really impressive.
After being surrounded by girl cousins, Chooj was happy to have his 3 year old cousin Dane to race around with.
Here is a terrible picture of Alex's cousins, Devin and Rocky.
We gave a lemon to cousin Leah. Despite the face, she ate the whole thing.
Alex took Arissa and Hayes to the fair to ride everything. I think this is what Hayes had the most fun doing.
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