Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mixing, pouring, bubbles & sleep

Hayes came up with the idea of playing with food coloring and water the other morning. It was a good opportunity for Chooj to practice his small motor skills of pouring, scooping and using the dropper to transfer colored water from one jar to the next.

It made such a mess. I just had to leave the kitchen until the whole affair was over.
Then Chooj wanted to play bubbles and I let him do the whole thing on his own.

And this is what happens when you don't listen to your Unitsi and don't take a nap or go to bed at a decent time - you just pass out on the floor.

1 comment:

Pam Johnson Brickell said...

Howdy! Kids look like their having a great time! It was good to peak in on you once again. Enjoy the summer! Pam