Thursday, May 14, 2009

Field trip: Cincinnati Zoo

Our family membership to the zoo expires end of this month so I took the kids on an impromptu field trip. It was rainy all morning so I hoped that would work to our benefit.
Probably the biggest draw were the peacocks showing their stuff all around.

And, for Chooj, the train ride around the zoo.
This seal seemed to be playing for the kids as we were the only ones in the underwater viewing room.
Hayes spotted the egg these red-crested cranes laid.
Oh lordy, Chooj wanted to bring this Burmese python home.

Just as we were heading out, Hayes helped two box turtles across the road. We think this one was a male. The other was definately female.
You know, I'm not sure why we bother driving an hour to the zoo when we have our own in the backyard. Hayes bought herself a duck and "since they do better in twos," according to our neighbor, I got Chooj one too. His is named "Popeye the Sailor Man Toot-Toot."

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