Sunday, April 5, 2009

Message from my mom

A few days before my mother died in March a year ago, she seemed pretty content with death and I asked her to let me know she was in Spirit World by sending me a sign, which was "Sundance" - the name of my first horse she gave me. So I've been waiting and waiting.
While I was home in South Carolina last week, we spread my mom's ashes as she wished and it poured rain just like she wanted.
I had run to one of my favorite stores to check out their sandals and found some I liked. Grabbed them, paid, left them in the bag until I was packing the suitcase to drive back to Kentucky. Pulled out the sandals and there was the brand name on the tag holding the shoes together: Sun Dance.
Well, wouldn't you know?
Hi, Mom.


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love it!!! I'm coming up on the anniversary of when my Mom died == it'll be 8 years this week.

Melinda said...

I love this! I am so happy for you! I remember every little similar incident after my mom died...I still get chills when I think about those. I am so, very, happy for you!