Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Chick, chick, CHICKEN!

Alex's task while we were in South Carolina was to get a chicken coop built. Here it is. Made using the cast off truck camper shell.

When we visited Nancy in SC, she sent us home with two pullets Hayes had caught. I drove through four states with two chickens in the back of the car.
So then we bought five hens and a rooster from the neighbors up the road and here they are. I asked for a calm rooster because I'm scared of birds.

And here is our first egg after getting the chickens. Can you tell Hayes is really excited?!

We're getting about two eggs a day and plan to add more hens. In a few days, we'll turn everybody out and only use the coop for nighttime roosting.

1 comment:

Caseybumpinalong said...

What a great chicken coop! We are thinking about getting chickens soon - I'll have to show my husband your idea :)