Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ridin', ridin', ridin'

Hayes had her first riding lesson in some time yesterday with Scotty at Texas Star Stables, where Hank the pony is getting some tune up training. I was so pleased in many respects: with Hayes' ability and with Scotty's teaching.
Scotty had Hayes learn her steering again and got her "cutting" around barrels then they went to a trot. Hayes hasn't trotted much and she just beamed the whole time and got to cutting around barrels at a trot too. Scotty had her do a sitting trot and a posting trot, while I posted in my folding lawn chair from the sidelines.

(We had to give Hank a little pat while there.)

I think the biggest aspect to riding is confidence. Hayes has gotten on Spellbound and just made her walk where she wanted and when Spell bolted a couple of weeks ago, Hayes just stayed secure and wanted to do it again when it was all over!
So after saying last night she wished she had another riding lesson today, I promised her that we'd give the horses a brush because their winter coats are starting to shed out and then I'd lunge Gracie and Hayes could ride her afterwards.
Hayes got on and I led them around a bit. I asked Hayes if she wanted to be turned loose and she shook her head no, but I said,"Gracie isn't going to do anything with you. The most she'll do is trot." So that was that.
Hayes walked her around and then got her in a trot. Gracie was very well behaved and attentive to her rider and I was proud of them both.

And Hayes is wanting to show off her riding with Gracie to Alex tonight when he gets home from work.
Oh, by the way, if you ever come to our house, you have to be careful of what you might see on the small winding roads. In this instance - cows. This is about the fourth time I've encountered cows on the road in less than a year of living here. Oftentimes, you have to watch for chickens and the occasional herd of goats.

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