Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cincinnati Home and Garden Show

Alex was gone for three days for work but after he got home we went to Cincinnati for the home and garden show. We haven't been to one since we lived in Atlanta and I am so ready to get into the yard and see some green.

The kids loved all the water features. It figures. We do have water babies.

This indoor putting area is for people with more money than sense. Hey, have you ever heard of Putt Putt?!

And so there was too much to see and a little overwhelming when you're 2. Don't you wish sometimes you could just lie down on the floor in a crowd and not care?

Even some prodding with a freebie yard stick ...

... or cajoling from your big sister (your "best friend EVER") couldn't get the kid on his feet.

We are bad parents. We laughed the whole time this was going on. And me taking pictures!

1 comment:

Feoshia said...

Love it! We're going to the Cincinnati flower show in April. It's a little further north of the city where I live. If you're up for it let me know and we can meet!