Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weekly wrapup: Happy 175 days to us!

Our "official" days of homeschooling for the year are over! I still continue to do things through summer, for instance, Hayes just received her acceptance letter for her 2nd year of Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School from Professor Minerva McGonagall. She has chosen to take Care of Magical Creatures (which I found out will be unicorns - she did fairies last summer), herbology and quidditch.
This week we finished some 50 State Friday worksheets after getting our Hawaii quarter so our state quarter map is complete.
We went strawberry picking and the strawberries were heavenly (and organic!). Six quarts and they are nearly gone.

Hayes also helped me build a box turtle habitat since our friends in Cincinnati have one and their dad, a biologist, has kept one turtle for 28 years in it. Now we needed to find a turtle. Last week we helped three across the road. This week ... nada. Until ... I spotted a male just on the side of the road. We brought him to our habitat and it wasn't to his liking. He escaped during the night. While doing yardwork today, Alex found a male and female box turtle and put them in our habitat.
Hayes had 4-H Thursday and went on a trail ride. Her trainer said she did really well.
She went to work with Alex on Friday, found it boring and they came home early. She helped a 6-year-old homeschooling friend catch a load of crawfish and minnows in the creek then tended to the two new chickens his family brought us (Maizy & Alexandra, although Maizy is a rooster).

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