Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekly wrapup: riding edition

Seems we spent most of this week with our horses and that's a good thing.
Hayes worked on reviewing multiplication, homonyms, telling time and spelling with the pocket chart. She has been reading an old book of poetry and memorizing some of it and comes to recite it, or sing it actually, to us nightly. She got the latest edition of "Ranger Rick" in the mail and, on her own, started a "report" from it. 50 State Friday included a study on North and South Dakota.
For our Outdoor Nature Hour this week, we studied the raccoon and it was a lovely week in the beginning to get outdoors and just spend time with the horses in the pasture.
Monday Hayes had her first riding lesson in a long while and she learned to "cut" barrels and trot, both a sitting and posting trot. She came home and rode Gracie twice on Tuesday. Thursday evening was 4-H and the kids worked on ground manners with their horses and Hayes did really, really well working with Hank. She wouldn't let us intervene to help her square him up, insisting she do it on her own. She continued to work on ground manners with Gracie on Friday.
Wednesday we had a (cold!) field trip to Big Bone Lick State Park where we learned about the Ice Age, glaciers and how to throw a spear using an atlatl. In between all that was time for playing with a new group of homeschoolers.
Thursday we went to the library so Hayes has had her nose stuck in about three or four new chapter books.


Nekey said...

Sounds like a wonderful week. I think it is great that Hayes reads Ranger Rick. Ours comes in the mail and then gets neglected. I have considered cancelling it. I am not sure what happened with that one.

gina said...

Sounds like a fun week! It was great you guys got to spend so much time outdoors- and that ice age program sounded like loads of fun!! I was going to get ASK for Shaye but the first two came in the mail and she hasn't even read them yet...(she did leaf through one) so I cancelled my subscription- this is notthe time to be paying for things that will go to waste!