Saturday, March 7, 2009

Weekly wrapup: fossil finds

Among our regular studies, we always have some farm and creek exploration. Here is a sampling of what Hayes has found in the last two weeks. Alex found the trilobyte though.
Fossilized pieces of coral:

What she says is fossilized wood in this rock and a shell:

You'll probably have to click on this one if you want to see it well. There are fossils of snail shells. I think it's the coolest thing she's found and she told me she learned from "Prehistoric Planet" that these shells were extremely hard and the snail attached itself to the bottom of the ocean by a tentacle, which it could draw up or lengthen:


Monday: We honored Dr. Seuss' birthday by playing a "Capture the Who" game with cotton balls, chopsticks and a small hoop. Hayes did some multiplication and watched "School House Rock" DVD for grammar, science and math. She also showed Chooj how to clean and show her myriad of play horses.
Tuesday: We did our Outdoor Nature Hour on wolves, dogs and foxes then spread the cattail seeds the puppies made explode in the house. Hayes worked on her Typing with Timon and Pumba CD.
Wednesday: An unexpected hospital visit for an ultrasound when the doctor suspected something strange in Hayes' gut. Turns out she was just full of it, literally. A homeschool day not totally thrown out the window, but not what we expected to do.
Thursday: Hayes worked on her handwriting and fractions. We watched "Discovery Kids Guide to the Awesome" about mummies and did so during dinner (because Alex was out of town) and I don't recommend watching anything about the mummification process while eating. Earlier in the day, we went to the barn to watch Hank the pony get trained. He is doing well and not being so jiggy.
Friday: 50 State Friday studying Louisiana (because that's where Alex went for work) and California, where you may not walk an elephant down the street unleashed. Hayes began an extensive picture book for Chooj called "Horse and Robin."


Nekey said...

I love the fossil finds. That is very cool!

~Mary~ 4boys4me said...

the fossils are very cool! We've found a few digging through some shale at the park but you have a much more diverse and bigger collection. love it!

G.Dowell said...

We live on a 16 acre "hobby farm" which has supplied hours of educational fun and exploring for our daughters the last 12 years. They have found many fossils, geodes, different rocks and minerals. We've studied birds and their habitat. My oldest daughter has done 3 science fair projects on her chickens and my youngest has done one on her miniature horses. You just can beat nature as a teacher.